Top 3 Cloud Databases You Must Aware

Top 3 Cloud Databases You Must Aware

Data storage and computing time are commodified by cloud computing using standardized technologies, which makes cloud databases possible on cloud computing platforms like Salesforce, GoGrid, Rackspace, and Amazon EC2. It is possible to run cloud databases independently via virtual-machine images or through cloud database providers’ services – either by purchasing database services or using a virtual machine image.

It is not uncommon for traditional architectures to be integrated with cloud platforms, even though cloud databases offer significant advantages over conventional deployments. Nevertheless, cloud databases have been providing customers who require a high-performance, custom-built infrastructure for a relational database, supported and backed by MySQL-certified engineers with a comprehensive solution.

Customers who want to develop their applications without worrying about infrastructure-related issues will benefit most from cloud databases. Listed below are the three most beneficial cloud databases that offer scalability to customers based on their application needs, as well as their benefits to them:

Top 3 Cloud Databases for 2022

1.       Amazon Web Service (AWS)

The DBaaS market leader has developed supplementary data-management services such as Redshift, which can be used as a data warehouse, and Data Pipeline, which integrates data for easier file management. Amazon’s current features include:

  • Amazon RDS – Amazon’s Relational Database Service runs on either Oracle, SQL or MySQL server instances.
  • Amazon SimpleDB – This is primarily a schema-less database meant to handle smaller workloads.
  • Amazon DynamoDB – These workloads will automatically be replicated between three availability zones through NoSQL databases (SSD).
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Strengths: Lots of Features, Easy to Use, Good Support and Documentation

Weaknesses: Not Too Customizable, Downtimes as per Amazon’s Schedule

2.      Google Cloud Platform

The company is still playing catch up to the market’s big players. The no-nonsense approach and comprehensive documentation of its solutions have attracted businesses of all sizes, reducing stress for developers, IT professionals, and others. As well as enabling you to scale, open-source compatibility also offers some advantages, including analytics and integrations, which can allow you to do more.

Strengths: Comprehensive Documentation, Good for Small and Big Businesses

Weaknesses: Not Yet at the Level of the Big Three (AWS, Oracle, Azure)

3.      Microsoft Azure

As such, these workloads will be replicated between three availability zones automatically through NoSQL databases (SSD). It is primarily a cloud-based computing platform for creating Virtual Machines (VMs), building and running web-based applications, smart client applications, and XML web services.

The company has 55 regions, making it the world’s largest and strongest cloud provider. In my opinion, Microsoft offers one of the broadest selections of software that a modern business needs. If any questions or issues arise, you can go to one place for answers. Thus, you can create a massive ecosystem with the same roots.

Strengths: Comprehensive Solution, Good Security, Strong Ecosystem

Weaknesses: Iffy Customer Service, Not User Friendly

Advantages of Working with Cloud Databases

As a result of its wide range of inherited advantages, moving to the cloud can be highly beneficial today. Here are just some of them.

  1. Less Dependence on Hardware: As the cloud service provider takes care of infrastructure maintenance, businesses need to spend less on hardware, resources, and technology. Development is also more straightforward, as fewer issues arise and conflicts do not disrupt development.
  2. Enhanced Scalability : By utilizing DBaaS solutions during peak times or ahead of major releases with tight deadlines, scalability can be seamless and smooth. This is a great advantage for companies in the early growth stages without the budget or resources to invest in on-premise infrastructure.
  3. Value for Money:- DBaaS provides businesses with the flexibility of paying only for what they use without worrying about operational costs or costly upgrades. Many DBaaS solutions are available in multiple configurations today, letting companies pay only for what they need.
  4. Enjoy the Latest Technology: Cloud vendors manage updated infrastructure and provide training and onboarding services rather than companies having to hire dedicated staff. Companies no longer have to shell out money on buying new technologies as updates are undertaken by the cloud vendor.
  5. Security: Aside from the previous advantages, all top vendors now put in a good effort to protect their databases by investing in the best available security solutions. Despite the fact that no solution is 100% secure, it is shown to be a safer way to protect sensitive information and data.
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FAQ on Cloud Database

Types of Cloud Database Challenges?

Size Limitations
Data Protection
Storage Performance
Database Cloning
Lift and Shift
Hybrid Cloud/Multicloud Operations


Only the Amazon SQL database is listed here, and Amazon DynamoDB is the most popular NoSQL database. Amazon DynamoDB is the most commonly used NoSQL database among cloud databases, and Google BigQuery has revolutionized the data warehouse landscape and is the most innovative solution. A second popular data warehouse solution is Amazon Redshift, based on a PostgreSQL database.

Despite being relatively new, Azure Cosmos DB is a promising database and a leading contender for the master database role. The shortlist did not include many other public cloud databases, but Google Spanner and Amazon Aurora stand out among them as promising Distributed SQL databases. A public cloud database is an excellent option for people already in the cloud or who plan to move to the cloud. In the future, public cloud databases will be used for managed databases in various scenarios.

Abhay Singh

I'm Abhay Singh, an Architect with 9 Years of It experience. AWS Certified Solutions Architect.

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